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Home Visiting

(Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters)

The Family Place offers an evidence-based program that works with families in the home to support parents in their critical role as their child's first and most important teacher.


Children's Storybooks

HIPPY strengthens communities and families by empowering parents to actively prepare their children for success in school. Parents are provided with a set of carefully developed curriculum, books, and materials designed to strengthen their children's cognitive skills, early literacy skills, social/emotional, and physical development.  


In 2011, The Family Place began its HIPPY program, it is one of the few offered completely in Spanish in the District of Columbia.




The program consists of a 30-week home visit program for parents with children ages 2 to 4. Each week, a HIPPY instructor visits the home for one hour. During the hour-long visit, the HIPPY instructor and the parent go over the weekly assignment. Then the parent will reenact the activities with their child throughout the week.


The HIPPY program promotes the direct involvement of parents in the early education of their children.

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