Case Management
The Family Place offers a wide range of case management services as a way to ensure a family's well-being and stability. TFP staff takes the time to assist our participants in basic, everyday needs such as setting up doctor’s appointments or understanding a letter from their child’s school.
TFP staff and volunteers are also available for more in-depth case management with participants, in cases such as finding transitional housing opportunities, accompanying participants to court to file for child support, custody, or civil protection orders, as well as applying for public benefits such as food stamps and health insurance.

Referrals to legal and
social services
The Family Place assists participants in locating and accessing numerous community agencies to provide further assistance.
TFP works with several partner agencies in the community to provide additional services such as connecting participants to lawyers, public benefits, higher-education agencies, and health services.

TFP staff also accompanies participants to court appearances and social service agencies as needed. As many participants may not understand where to find services, TFP staff accompanies participants in order to provide language assistance, support, and confidence in obtaining necessary services.
TFP recognizes that without meeting these basic needs, students have a difficult time participating in the classes offered at our center. By helping meet these needs, participants can reach their full potential as parents and educators for their children.